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The Removal of Confederate Monuments around America.

Everyone has seen the news over the past few days about Charlottesville, VA and everyone has an opinion on it. It has sparked the conversation that black people have been having for years about when these Confederate Monuments come down.

"TAKE THEM DOWN!" says the left, "LEAVE THEM BE!" screams the right, but as a woman of color I believe they should have never been put up in the first place. Why? Because they represent the opression, rape and murdering of my ancestors. It's a constant reminder that this country was built by us, but not meant for us. These monuments are all over America. There are also quite a few in the U.S Capitol in Statuary Hall.  In order for ALL monuments to be removed, people need to speak out. Not just us black women (We're tired!), but everyone. Republicans, liberals, democrats and conservatives have all taken a side on this, most of which are opposing President Trump's "official" statement. 

Ted Cruz said "The views fueling the spectacle in Charlottesville are repugnant...white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, and anti-Semitism, and hatred that they propagate." Good job, Ted Cruz, (and any other republican who condemns Neo-Nazis and white supremicists) for saying the obvious, but you don't get a pat on the back or a high five. Duh! We know this, but where were you (white people) before this white supremacist rally?

This isn't a news flash to the entire black community, racism has always been alive and well. Black people have always been saying so and have always been told "It's not always a race thing." Funny how over the past few days I haven't seen or heard that once, but I digress. Racism has always been prevalent in society because of Confederate monuments and flags. I was born and raised in the south; I am well aware of what drives racist and what keeps them going. That damn flag; those damn monuments they worship. "It's history!" is always the reason for keeping them up and for waving the flag. That history is all racism! It's all slavery! It's celebrating our nightmare. Do you know what happens when those flags are being waved or worn? Sometimes nothing, but sometimes something.

 I've seen loogies hocked at people's feet. I've seen people pretend to shoot my brother while walking home from school. True story: These people slowed down real slow as my oldest brother was walking home from high school. It's a big red truck with a Confederate flag hanging out the back. The man slows down and makes a gun with his hands, makes direct eye contact with my brother and pretends to shoot him. He then laughs, winks and drives off. One time smoke was  blown directly in my face by older white men who wanted to make me, a little black girl at the time, uncomfortable; maybe even give me cancer who knows! Those are just the small things though. They make a difference in the way we live our lives. What we teach our children. Where and when we go somewhere. So all I have to say is, these monuments have to stop fueling racism and we all have to have a talk about race. No matter how uncomfortable you are. I think these monuments need to be taken down and put in a museum, not worshiped and celebrated. They have done enough already.


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